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Photo Gallery

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Artist Study

This term we embarked on our first attempt at an artist study. We are looking at Vincent Van Gogh for term 1. We began the term by reading Camille and the Sunflowers and looking at a book of Van Gogh's paintings. Our plan is pretty much the same every week. On Monday I put up a new print on Liana's pin up board. When she notices it we talk about what we see, what she likes and anything relevant to the painting including the name and who painted it (Van Gogh). We continue this through the week and then on Friday we either paint a black and white copy of the painting or attempt to reproduce it on our own. So far we have looked at the portraits of Camille and the Postman Roulin and then painted pictures of our family. Next was the Olive trees with a black and white reproduction and then our own version of Vase with 14 Sunflowers.

I must say I am pretty impressed with how she is doing so far and she is so proud to show everyone her version of the pictures.

1 comment:

HomeGrownKids said...

hey, that is impressive! Have you joined our AussieHomeschool Blog Roll?

